Another week has passed so quickly here in Aberdeen. On Saturday night, Tsuey Lin had invited Alex and I to try out her curry. She said she'd never cooked curry before that and it was her first ever attempt. I didn't know what to expect but nevertheless, I was happy as I didn't need to prepare anything on my own ... hehe. I just brought some beer; easy.
Well, the curry was really good. It was curry beef with tomotoes and potatoes. The meat was tender and very juicy. I'd say well done, Tsuey Lin. That was really good.
She'd also prepared Tang Hoon with minced turkey, which's also very delicious. It was a good meal thanks to Miss Yap's magic.

Being ambitious myself or should I say, inspired, I tried a little experiment on my own. I attempted to prepare (for the first time) nasi lemak on Sunday. I went to the Chinese supermarket just nearby to get the relevant spice, etc. The outcome.....see above picture. Nice yeah? I hope it tasted as good as it looked but I was just being hopeful. It tasted horrendous! The rice had a funny taste and the sambal....I'm not sure if it's sambal haha... it was just a disaster.
At the end of the meal, I just had the wings (my favourite), eggs, ikan bilis, veg and 2 tablespoons of the coconut rice. All remaining ended up in the bin, including the untouched sambal (so called). I'll definitely attempt to try again. Afterall, you need to learn to crawl before you learn to walk and subsequently run :)