With the recent news of the Hong Kong celebrity sex photo scandal, I'm really astonished to know how stupid people can be. If you have dirty personal pictures (yourself included) in your laptop and you're bloody rich, would you bring it to the shop to fix it? Common sense tells me that whoever is fixing it will go through the hard disk and see what's inside. If it's that important and had to be fixed, I'd spend the whole time with the person fixing it just to make sure.
Rule of thumb is that you don't save anything secretive like that in your laptop. Shoot them and view them in your phone or videocam and delete straight afterwards, stupid.
Well, just the other day I was talking to a friend and somehow the term 'Friends with benefit' was mentioned. I didn't understand it at first. Somehow my friend explained it to me. For those who do not understand that as well, you can find out more from Wikipedia.
Wikipedia started explanation like this:......
Friends with benefit may refer to: Casual RelationshipCasual relationship is a term used to describe the physical and emotional relationship between two people who may have a sexual relationship or a near-sexual relationship without necessarily demanding or expecting a more formal relationship as a goal....."Ok.. in my opinion this is kind of a dump thing to do. I despise the idea completely. Good thing it's not an open thing in Brunei, though a lot of people are doing it, especially youngsters nowadays.
While the consequences are not obvious now, in the future when you look back at your life, you'd think how stupid it was and not only that, it might even ruin your life.
Hmm....enough said...it may or may not sound very interesting to you but I just wanted to share my thoughts.