Anyway, hope you'll like the pictures I took.

While I walked on, I came across this couple, who were performing in the street. They were sitting still but what's interesting is that they were covered with mud all over their body. Everytime someone puts a coin in their jar, which is placed in front of them, they will robot move for a few seconds and then go back to being still again. I wonder how much they earn a day like that.
Some snapshots of the buildings. Look at the cloudless sky.

Cinema. All the hollywood movies are translated to Spanish
I came across this lady who was floating. All the time she was posed with a buddha stance and clinging on to the bamboo next to her. She looked like she was floating or supporting herself with just one arm. Curious onlookers intrigued by this, approached her and she'd introduce them to whatever she's trying to promote. There's a lady behind her video recording all the curious faces around. It looked really real but of course it's fake.